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The Courage to Persevere Award

The Courage to Persevere Award supports students registered with the Centre for Accessible Learning who have experienced a significant mental health challenge and are persevering to continue their studies.
Funds Raised
$ 11,092
Raised by 113 supporters
Goal: $9,000

With the stress inherent in university life, students at institutions of higher learning are increasingly acknowledged as being at-risk for poor mental health. In the wake of COVID-19, student mental health is more vulnerable than ever. In addition to the collective trauma of the pandemic, university students must navigate challenges in many spheres.

Social health can be difficult to maintain for young adults, especially when adversity introduces additional factors. Explicit, public, and self stigma can impact the social lives of students – which can exacerbate feelings of isolation and deter students from seeking help.

Academic pursuits demand great attention and effort, therefore, mental and emotional well-being are prerequisites for success. Poor mental health is a risk factor for academic drop-out and failure among students.

Additionally, students are under pressure financially. With high tuition rates, an increasing cost of living, limited time to work, and concerns about access to food, technology, and health services – students are stretched thin.

How do we help?

The Courage to Persevere Project is an initiat...read more

Donation Impact

This award supports students registered with the Centre for Accessible Learning who have experienced a significant mental health challenge and are persevering to continue their studies. 

You can be the difference for a student who may be facing barriers as they pursue a university education. Join us in taking action and raising an additional $9,000 to support students.